In daily life, there are many sports that are very popular among people, among which yoga is one. There are many types of yoga, such as Hatha yoga and power yoga. Before doing yoga, you should first understand some aspects of yoga, such as yoga postures and benefits. What are the classic power yoga poses?

Warrior 2 Style

Warrior Style 2

1. Stand in Mountain Pose with your corners 1 leg length apart.

2. Turn your left foot slightly inward and your right foot 90 degrees to the right. The heel of your right foot is facing the arch of your left foot.

3. Inhale and raise your arms sideways.

4. Exhale, bend your right knee, and keep your calf perpendicular to the ground.

5. Slightly retract your chin, while gently turning your head to the right and looking at your fingers. Tuck your hips in slightly. Press your feet down evenly, straighten your left leg, and breathe evenly and slowly. Hold for 5 to 30 seconds.

6. Slowly turn your head back to the center, straighten your right leg when you inhale, and turn your feet to the front when you exhale.

7. You can lower your arms, rest for a moment, and then repeat the same exercise on the other side.


1. Lie on your back, place your hands palms down on your sides, bend your knees, and spread your legs hip-width apart;

2. Inhale, keep your body motionless on the ground, bend your hands backwards, palms on the ground, place them next to your ears, feel your chest and shoulders expand, do not lift your waist

3. Exhale, support the body with the palms of the hands, the top of the head and the soles of the feet; adduct the hips and elbows, keep the body flat and keep it on a horizontal plane, do not move forward or backward, so that the body can practice smoothly.

4. Inhale, straighten your arms, lift your head off the ground, prop up your body, look at the middle of the line connecting your palms with your glasses, and hold for 5-8 breaths.

5. Exhale, lower your body slowly, bend your elbows to support the ground, and slowly restore your head and neck. After your upper body falls to the ground, straighten your legs, take a deep breath and relax your body.

Boat style

1. Sit in a comfortable position and pull your knees toward your chest;

2. Hug your belly button to stimulate core strength and lift your feet off the ground;

3. Balance the tailbone;

4. Straighten your legs, with the thumbs of both feet touching each other;

5. Avoid arching your back;

6. Arms should be straight and parallel to the ground;

7. Hold for 10 breaths or until you reach your limit.

Side panel type

1. Plank entry;

2. Turn your body to the left, press the mat with your left foot, stack your right foot on top of your left foot, and extend your left arm toward the ceiling (beginner practitioners can put their right hand on their hips to reduce the difficulty);

3. Tighten the abdominal core and lift the buttocks;

4. Keep your shoulders and outstretched arms as straight as possible;

5. Hold for 5-10 breaths on each side, or until you reach your limit.