Dumbbell bench press is the best exercise for chest muscle training. Dumbbells have a larger range of motion than barbells and can provide more stimulation for your chest muscles!
There are many variations of dumbbell bench press, such as overhand grip, opposite grip, reverse grip, one-handed bench press, alternating bench press, etc., which will bring different feelings to your muscles!
Today I want to introduce to you a great dumbbell bench press variation: one-hand release-two-hand press!
Choose heavier dumbbells, perform eccentric contraction with one hand, and then use both hands to push up the dumbbells together during the concentric phase!
It helps you generate greater mechanical tension and helps improve strength and muscle size
Training principle: overload eccentric training (negatives and eccentric training)
Simply speaking, taking advantage of the characteristics of eccentric contraction to withstand greater loads, super-load training during the eccentric phase can Build functional strength and muscle size.
When you want bigger chest muscles, the key is to utilize the three mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy: mechanical tension, muscle damage and metabolic stress.
< p>Among them, mechanical tension and muscle damage are arguably the most important mechanisms, as these involve overloading of fast-twitch muscle fibers (fast-twitch muscle fibers have the greatest potential for strength and size improvements).In order to develop factors of muscle damage and mechanical tension, "eccentric weighting" is a good choice
Studies indicate that eccentric contraction can produce higher muscle tension than isotonic and isometric contractions Generally, higher muscle tension means better strength development (Goldberg et al. 1975), and eccentric contractions can lift higher loads (up to 140% of 1RM) than concentric contractions. Contraction is considered to be a better choice for training muscle strength. Some mechanical equipment will even increase the load, especially during eccentric contraction.
In fact, not only the chest muscles, but also the shoulders, The triceps will be exercised, and unilateral heavy-weight eccentric contraction is also a great test for the core and spinal stabilizer muscles. You must work hard to control and avoid trunk rotation!
Use heavier dumbbells (it is difficult to lift with one hand) and then Perform unilateral eccentric contraction, and use both hands to push up the dumbbell at the end of the movement, and then continue!
Training suggestions: The overload eccentric bench press is quite intense, so it is recommended to do 2 to 3 groups x 4 to 5 times! That’s it, and it’s not suitable for frequent use. It’s recommended to use it once a month.