When we start working out, we all do some basic movements. Of course, when we reach a certain level of fitness, we can no longer just be satisfied with some simple and basic fitness movements. We must also think about developing to more difficult levels, so the human body flag It is a relatively difficult but very classic movement. So, what are the basic skills of the human flag?

Human flag

Basic skills of the human flag

1. Pull-ups

Because the human flag requires us to complete it on an upright horizontal bar, it requires We use the strength of our hands to support our entire body, so arm strength training is essential, then we can do pull-ups. The pull-up movement mainly exercises our arm strength, chest muscles and latissimus dorsi, so this movement has undoubtedly become the basic skill of the human body. The pull-up movement is not too difficult for fitness enthusiasts, but if you want to do the human flag, it is recommended to further exercise the more difficult version of the one-handed pull-up.

2. Push-ups

Push-ups are also a very effective way to exercise arm muscles, and the movements are simple and basic, so they can be regarded as a universal fitness movement. Then before we do the human flag, we can first increase our arm strength and human body coordination by doing push-ups. In addition, when we do push-ups, we should do more sets, which can also exercise our endurance and allow us to better carry out fitness in the future.

3. Balance training by grabbing the bar with both hands

If you want to make a good human flag, balance training is essential. We can choose an upright single bar for it. Balance training. First, we grab the bar with both hands, be sure to hold it firmly, and then touch the ground with both feet, letting our body lean down as much as possible. The smaller the angle formed with the ground, the better. Hold on for as long as possible, because this action is somewhat similar to It is similar to the human body flag, but it is much more basic and is an important movement for exercising your sense of balance.

How long does it take to practice the human flag?

Generally, it takes at least half a year to practice the human flag, so you need to be able to persist.

It is not easy to practice the human flag well, so we must practice the basic skills solidly, so that we can be more comfortable when doing movements in the future.

Which hand is on top of the human flag

This is related to personal habits. Generally, the hand with greater strength is on top.

The upper hand is to pull the bar, and the lower hand is to push the bar. This can form a body resistance to keep the body in the air. Generally, it is better for hands with strong grip to choose the top position.a little. The distance between the hands is similar to that of wide-grip pull-ups, not too narrow or too wide. The angle between the two arms is about 120 degrees, which is the optimal force-generating structure.