Recommended biceps exercise exercises: elastic band curls

We exercise the arm muscles with barbell curls One of the most classic moves! It can well exercise the biceps, brachialis and forearm muscles, the most conspicuous muscles of our arms!

Traditional barbell curls may stop you from catching a cold! Today I want to introduce you to using elastic bands to perform barbell curls

The benefits of using elastic bands!

1. It is good to use elastic bands for curling It helps you increase training intensity, and the resistance provided by the elastic band is a kind of variable resistance!

This is a method that allows the human body to produce different resistances at different angles when we perform movements.

Provides an upward movement throughout the range of movements. Resistance (Acending Resistance) provides a bonus effect to muscles. As your muscles contract and exert force, the band stretches longer, increasing resistance even more.

Elastic bands allow you to increase your mechanical advantage by reducing the load on your weakest joints and increasing the load on your strongest joints. Using this method to train has been shown to increase force output

Variable resistance methods are considered a good way to increase muscle strength and power output, and are also one of the methods for athletes to learn to accelerate.

2. At the same time, the elastic band will also challenge your eccentric control!

Many people fall freely (eccentric descent stage) when performing curls, which causes them to lose more than 50% of their muscle-building efficiency! Using elastic bands can help you improve this!

The unique resistance of the elastic band will produce a greater "eccentric speed", which forces you to use greater force to lower your body slowly and steadily. Strengthen your eccentric phase!


1. Find an elastic band with sufficient resistance and stretch it to the same distance as the grip. Step on one end with your feet. Grasp the barbell and elastic band with both hands at the same time

2.Stand with the center of the foot in the center, the shoulder blades sink slightly and retract for stability, the spine remains neutral, and the core muscles are tightened Keep your torso stable! Then start curling!

3.Use your biceps to drive the barbell upward completely (bend your elbows). Always keep your arms fixed on both sides of your body. When you reach the top of the movement, hold for one second and squeeze for two seconds. Head muscles!

4. Slowly extend your arms and lower the barbell, maintaining muscle tension during the movement! Say 4 silently, seconds!

There is one important point to remember during the movement: the resistance of the elastic band will accelerate the centrifugal speed, so you must control the centrifugal stage, go slower, and don't fall freely!

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