By the end of the twentieth century, L-carnitine was recognized for its various benefits. Indeed, it was during the latter part of the 1990s that it was finally recognized for its slimming properties and full-body benefits. L-carnitine is naturally manufactured by our body. The question you are then surely asking yourself is simple: should you really get it for its real usefulness or rather avoid it as it is considered outdated? In this article, you will find the answer to your question!

Did you say L-Carnitine?

As previously stated, L-Carnitine is naturally made by your body, specifically by your liver and kidneys. Contrary to popular belief, it is often considered an amino acid but it is a molecule synthesized by two other amino acids: lysine and methionine. The L-Carnitine plays different roles in our cells but it is mainly responsible for improving the transport of lipids (= fats) in the body. It is notably thanks to this that our body does not store fat but eliminates it by using it as fuel for your running sessions, jogging or simply your sports sessions for example.

It is important to understand that this biological enhancement process only works with the help of vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, iron and various enzymes. The L-Carnitine is also marketed in another form: acetyl L-Carnitine. The latter is liposoluble, i.e., it is soluble in fats, whereas "classic" L-Carnitine is water-soluble.

Concretely, what are its benefits?

Its cellular role is its most important benefit since without its transport of fatty acid to the mitochondria, fats would not be burned properly which would cause different problems in our body especially in the heart or even the brain. People with a deficiency of L-carnitine are exposed to different problems: stunted growth, liver hypertrophy or muscle weakness. Although rare, these deficiencies can be caused by certain medications such as valproic acid for example. There are other causes such as genetic diseases or biological dysfunctions. Another misconception about L-carnitine is that it makes you lose weight. So no, this has never been scientifically proven but one thing is sure on the other hand, it improves fat oxidation.

Speaking of sports, did you know that L-carnitine can improve your physical performance? Indeed, a British study proved that it allows a better optimization of energy during exercise. However, a nuance is to remember: this is done in the long term, more precisely, after 6 months at least. Also, L-carnitine improves the health of your bones since it is intrinsically linked to a hormone that decreases over time called osteocalcin, a hormone responsible for fixing calcium on the bones.

Caution: at high doses, L-carnitine turns out to have side effects. Indeed, it brings nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or nausea. Be sure to consult a doctor or any other health professional to find out if you are prone to this dietary supplement.


Where is it found?

The L-Carnitine is found in various foods that surround us on a daily basis. Among these, those that contain the most are:

- Red meat (lamb, beef, pork)

- Dairy products

- Tempeh (fermented soybeans)

- Avocado

- Nuts

- Cereals

On average, it is recommended to have a daily intake of this supplement of between 20 mg and 200 mg. Also, the L-Carnitine found in food is almost 5 times better absorbed by your body than that from supplements. (75% vs. 15%) However, if you're on a no-meat diet, these prove to be a good alternative.

So in short, what should I take away from this?

The L-carnitine has too much of a good reputation for what it actually has. It can't really burn fat without exercise and is easily found in the diet in addition to being made automatically by your body which prevents you from running out of it. However, l-carnitine allows you to increase your physical condition in the long term and under certain conditions by stimulating cellular energy production in addition to improving your health by fighting against various problems and diseases. It proves to be ideal for people who do not have time to have a rich and varied diet or who do not consume meat.